our name is changing

On Sunday, June 9, our church got to gather together for our first-ever Family Vision Night. During this evening, members of our Vision & Executive leadership teams got to unpack some of the magnitude of what the Lord has been speaking to us.

Over the last twenty-plus years, we have received many profound promises from the Lord about His dreams for our church and this region. In this most recent season, we have felt His invitation to align both our ways and our identity with these words. Like Abraham in the Bible, there came a time when the Lord not only stated His covenant with Abraham, but He said, “What’s more, I am changing your name” (Genesis 17:5a). He tethered Abram’s identity to the promise He made.

This is the season we have found ourselves in as a church: He is changing our name! It is with a lot of awe and excitement that we share with you:

Grace Center is becoming Wellspring.

This change will be taking place over the next few months and will go live in the fall of 2024 (date yet to be determined). We will keep our church family updated on when our official “Wellspring Sunday” will take place.

As you can imagine, a decision like this was not made lightly. If you were unable to attend our Family Vision Night, we encourage you to take the time to watch the video where we share more about this journey and where we believe the Lord is pointing us in this new season.

With this new change, we feel the renewed call to become who God has said we are: first and foremost, a place where He can rest, and secondly, a place to which the thirsty can gather and His presence can flow out to our city, the nation, and beyond.

We are excited about how the Lord is building His Church, and believe He has appointed each of us for such a time as this.