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Water Baptisms

  • Grace Center 2420 Bethlehem Loop Rd. Franklin, TN USA (map)

If you have made the decision to follow Jesus and want to be water baptized, join us on Resurrection Sunday, March 31, for baptisms during both of our services. We are so excited to celebrate together! If you are interested in learning more about the Bibilical significance and value of water baptism, be sure to join us on Sunday, March 24, as Pastor Matt Croushorn teaches on this in our services.

Who can be baptized?

We are delighted to baptize anyone, regardless of age, who has accepted Jesus into his/her heart, submitted to Him as Lord, and is willing to make a public commitment to following Him.

Parents: Grace Kids will be sharing on baptism in the upcoming weeks. This would be a great conversation starter with your kids to make sure they understand the meaning of baptism, have made a personal commitment to Jesus, and are willing to make this public commitment in service.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Matt at

Earlier Event: March 29
Good Friday Service
Later Event: April 4
Rocketown Family Dinner