He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
— Ephesians 4.16

The Bible is clear: the church only operates the way God designed it when “each part does its own special work.” We are inviting you to help build a better church and partner with Heaven to bring transformation to our city and beyond. Our expectation is that all members exercise their gifting in at least one area at least once every month. Below are the various areas where you can serve and build a church that is healthy, growing and full of love. Once you’ve read the descriptions, fill out the form below and one of our coordinators will reach out to you within three business days to connect.

Next Step

Complete this form to indicate which area of church life you would like to build and one of our coordinators will reach out to you to help you with your next steps. Thanks for doing your part!


Ministry Areas at Grace Center


Whether you are a coffee person or a tea person, we love offering a place to refresh and connect at our café! Volunteers who serve at the café can expect to receive orders and payment as a cashier or make beverages for patrons as a barista. The serving times are 7:30 - 9:30 am and 9:30 - 11:15 am on Sundays. If you are a young adult who attends Emanate, you can also serve on Mondays from 5 - 7:15 pm. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class, Encounter Weekend, and Café Training.


Emanate is the young adult ministry at Grace Center. We meet every Monday at 7 pm in the Main Auditorium for incredible worship, the presence of God, practical Bible teaching, ministry time and encounters with Jesus. If you are a young adult (age 19-39) and would like to volunteer during this service, we ask that you complete the New Members Class and attend a Grace Revealed weekend.


Prayer Ministry

We believe that the teaching and revelation we receive from scripture is meant to be experienced, and we value people being able to encounter God through prayer. Over the years, we’ve seen God do incredible things from physical healing to emotional miracles. Our trained ministry team loves to pray for healing, encouragement and transformation. The serving time for this ministry begins at the start of each service and ends approximately 30 minutes after each service ends. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class, Grace Revealed, and Prayer Ministry Training.

A/V Ministry

Our A/V Team is behind the scenes making everything happen. We help create an atmosphere for people to experience the presence of God in the Main Auditorium and at home in their living rooms. Although excellence is one of our main goals, we also believe in worshiping first and capturing second. We have several positions where you can serve and help make our Sunday services happen. We are looking for people want to help with running lyrics, operating cameras, directing video for our online viewers, mixing broadcast audio for our online stream and running front of house sound for our Main Auditorium. Our call time on Sundays is 7 am and you would be required to serve until the end of second service. To serve on this team, we require you to attend a New Members Class and encourage you to attend a Grace Revealed.


Grace Kids

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”  Like Jesus, we place a high value on our children and it is our honor to partner with Heaven and minister to every child that comes through our doors. In Grace Kids, we not only teach our children who God is and what His Kingdom is like, but we also have an incredible opportunity to impact their lives. We are raising up generations and having fun doing it! We ask our volunteers to serve one Sunday, one service, once a month.  The serving times for this ministry are 8 -10:15 am for our 8:30 service, and 10:15 am - 1 pm for our 10:45 service. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class and Encounter Weekend and to pass a background check. 

Keep It Real Youth

At KEEP IT REAL, we believe every teen is worthy of a grace-filled, safe community where they can be in process, be discipled and experience their personal faith and relationship with Jesus.  We are a multi-generational, energetic youth family who aims to live authentic lives. We love God and partner with Him in loving all people. As we grow in maturity, we seek to expand His kingdom by generously sharing what we’ve been given. We ask for a serving commitment for the school year which includes Wednesdays from 6:30 - 9 pm, occasional Sunday services, various youth events throughout the year and our monthly leader meeting. To serve on this team, we require you to pass a background check and to either be a graduate of School of Supernatural Life or to attend New Members Class and Encounter Weekend.



Our amazing Welcome Team has openings for new team members. Come and share in offering a generous welcome from a hope filled family into a place where the presence of God rests. There are opportunities to serve in a variety of roles in parking lot, foyer, auditorium and café welcome point. We would love anyone with a heart to love, honor and serve people well to come and talk about helping people feel welcome in our house and connected to our family.

Papa’s Pantry

It is one of our privileges as believers to partner with God in generosity and helping our neighbors. Through the food pantry ministry at Grace Center, we are able to provide grocery items for anyone attending Grace Center in need. Volunteers who serve at the pantry can expect to help by greeting and restocking items. The serving times for this ministry are 10 - 10:45 am and 1 - 2 pm. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class and we encourage you to attend an Encounter Weekend.


Prophetic Ministry

The heart of the Prophetic Ministry Team at Grace Center is to connect all people to the never-ending love of the Father. Our team follows the guidelines presented in the New Testament for personal prophetic ministry: "But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them." - 1 Corinthians 14.3. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class, Encounter Weekend and Prophetic Ministry Training.

worship & creative arts

One of the core values of Grace Center is to be a place where the presence of God can rest. The Worship & Creative Arts team serve that vision by stewarding their gifts well and by bringing their best as they serve on Sunday mornings and various events throughout the week. Whether it is through singing, playing an instrument, dancing or painting, we believe that God loves to inhabit the praises of His people, and it is the privilege of our team to steward that vision. To be on the Worship & Creative Arts team, we ask that you attend the New Members Class and Encounter Weekend. 


revive personal Ministry

One of the core values of our church is personal wholeness, and we offer personal ministry appointments. Taken from Isaiah 61:4, Revive ministry involves rebuilding, restoring and renewing the unhealed places in our hearts so that we can live again. Volunteers who serve with this ministry will be trained to facilitate these ministry appointments. The serving time for this ministry is Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. To serve on this team, we require you to attend New Members Class, Encounter Weekend and Revive Personal Ministry Training.